Men snore and women snore (contrary to what they might say, as 64% of women by the age of 50 do). The American Academy of Sleep Medicine claims that snoring reduces daytime productivity by 34%. Snoring deprives the brain of oxygen leading to an increased risk of headaches, weight gain, HBP and injuries – in addition to daytime fatigue and brain fog.
You may have to ask your partner which of the three types of snoring you create – or identify your particular snoring type with an app like “SnorLab” on Google Play.
Here are the three types of snoring:
Snore softly & consistently
This type usually occurs when the breathing passages have been narrowed due to

What type of snoring do you do?
inflammation, cold or allergies. Breathing can vibrate the tissues in the sinus cavities and produce a “rumbling snore”.
Solution: Using a Neti Pot to wash out the sinuses, perhaps use a few drops of Golden Seal/Hydrastis tincture in the water. You can also use a nasal dilator to increase the diameter of the nostrils or nasal strips.
Snore Loudly and in Spurts
This type is due to the relaxation of the mouth and jaw muscles allowing the jaw to shift slightly backwards. This type of snoring may be aggravated lying on your back.
Solution: Use a mouth guard or other device to move your chin forward and stabilize the tongue. Try sleeping on your side rather than on your back.
Snoring Loudly , Pausing and Gasping
This type is typical of individuals with sleep apnea – where breathing stops for 10 to 20 seconds and then you may gasp for a breath. Sleep apnea has been linked to an increased risk of hypertension and stroke.
Solution: Be assessed for sleep apnea at a specialty clinic and the possible need for a CPAP machine. There are tongue exercises to train the tongue to keep the airways open at night Stevin Lin, DDS says that research indicates oral tongue exercises reduces severe apnea by 50%.
I have long thought that snoring as we get older may have something to do with thyroid function – which would explain the increase in snoring as women get older.
Another possibility is a drop in melatonin. Apparently looking at your phone, ipad or laptop before bed reduces your melatonin by 30%. It’s time to go back to reading before sleep. According to the University of Sussex in the U.K., reading reduces the stress levels and cortisol by 68%. – which could benefit the thyroid in a good way. The thyroid requires just the right amount of cortisol to function. It is like the three bears not too hot, not too cold but just right.
- Determine your snoring type and try out some of the cures;
- Be medically assessed, if necessary – especially for sleep apnea;
If the snoring continues:
- Have your thyroid checked;
- Have your blood sugar checked;
- Have a four point cortisol check (saliva or urine).
WATCH DR. G’S MEDICAL MUSING ‘The Three Types of Snoring and Their Possible Cures’
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