Welcome to Dr. Gatis Mind & Body Medicine Blog

Dr. Robert Gatis Naturopath

The company Mind & Body Miracles is the brainchild of Dr. Robert L. Gatis, B.Sc., N.D., MCHt., FAARFM, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine,  Certified Master Hypnotherapist (Biomedical)and Fellow in Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine.  Throughout his career, Dr. Gatis has come to the realization that the impact of the Mind on the Body is most often forgotten or ignored by medical professionals when, in fact, the Mind has a tremendous impact on the evolution of the disease process – and the person’s ability to heal.


Our mission is to provide reputable services, products and health information – focusing on the interaction of Mind and Body – to enable you, the consumer, to make appropriate decisions about your health goals and the means to achieve them.  Enjoy our site and Enjoy good health!