Force Of Illness #4: Impaired Detoxification

Detoxification is a normal function of the body.  It is the first step in the process of removing foreign, potentially toxic compounds from the body regardless of whether they are environmental or the natural products of cellular metabolism.  All cells have detoxification mechanisms and all cells detoxify all the time.  Detoxification, or the process of making a toxic substance “non-toxic” or “water-soluble”, must occur first before the harmful substance can be eliminated from the body – through the urine, feces, sweat, breath or bile.  The process of Detoxification utilizes the P450 enzymes and has two phases.   Both of these phases have unique nutritional requirements.  Some of the common problems that have been related to poor detoxification are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, pain, chronic hormonal problems, fibroids, heavy menstrual bleeding,  Breast Concept of Detox Diets  The New Diet FadCancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Many people mistakenly believe that they are “detoxing” when they are doing a “cleanse” – a “liver cleanse”, for example.  In actuality, they are supporting elimination rather than detoxification.  The liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, skin and lymphatics are all organs of elimination.  They remove detoxified substances i.e., substances converted to water-soluble, from the body.  This can be useful, of course, and often necessary – but when you are talking about detoxification, you are talking about the cellular or micro processes rather than the macro system processes.  A “cleanse” or elimination support is most effective when any nutritional deficiencies relating to the P450 enzymes and other enzymes relating to detoxification have been corrected first.  The nutrients needed for optimum detoxification include vitamin A, B6, B12 and Folic Acid; the sulfur-containing amino acids found in kale, bok choy, garlic, onions, kale, cauliflower, cabbage broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, manganese and copper.

In addition, reactions to certain drugs are far more common than most people realize – and are the result of compromised or inefficient detoxification mechanisms.  Reye’s Syndrome (a potentially-lethal disorder), for example, occurs in someone with impaired aspirin detoxification if they take the drug when they have a virus.  In the future, it is my prediction that a “detoxification test” will have to be taken before certain classes of drugs are prescribed.  There is a special test that exists now – where patients are given small amount of aspirin, acetaminophen and coffee.  After 12 hours, the urine, blood and saliva are checked to see if the drugs were normally detoxified.   In the future, it is my prediction that a “detoxification test” will have to be completed before certain drugs are administered.

Until next time…..